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August 2024 Babies
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What should I do?
Baby is rolling, so I have his hands out of his sleep sack. However, he has started scratching his head during his sleep to the point of causing cuts and bleeding. We can't cut or file his nails any shorter than they already are.
He had really bad eczema and cradle cap, which caused his scalp to get super dry, but we've finally gotten that cleared up.
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Our babe is also scratching his head. I’m using PJs at night that cover his hands!
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can I ask what you did to clear the eczema? Our baby is suffering from bad eczema right now. It started out as cradle cap and just evolved into eczema. We’re seeing derm in two weeks bc nothing is helping. He’s miserable and will also scratch himself constantly. He’s always in mitt or the sleepers with mitts
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We used a few different things - not sure what was the thing that cleared it. We used hydrocortisone cream, aquaphor (his pediatrician said any sort or moisturizer/ointment would work), & a prescription shampoo (ketoconazole I think).
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oh, & running a humidifier consistently
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The same as she somehow gets her hands out of the sleepers with mittems inbuilt. I've just let it go.. socks aren't safe (my girl is moving alot now), I was using socks prior. My baby doesn't have eczema right now though her skin is okay now.. I think mine just moves her hands around her face when sleeping and inevitably scratches herself. They still have wobbly movement
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My LO did / does this too.. still had a little cradle cap but not sure if he does it as a soothing thing or if his head actually itches. We cut his nails the best we can too but somehow he still gets his head.. we’ve been using the zipadee sleep sack he has more movement then others but his hands are still covered so he can’t scratch up his face and head
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