eFootball Controls (PS4, PS5, Xbox & PC) (2024)

eFootball Controls (PS4, PS5, Xbox & PC) (1)

eFootball controls and buttons layout for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC Windows gamepad controllers. The controls here are referred to the Standard & Alternative configuration in Konami eFootball control settings.


ActionPlaystation (Standard)Playstation (Alternate)Xbox (Standard)Xbox (Alternate)
Move playerLSLSLSLS
Cursor change (change player)L1L1LBLB
Dash (sprint)R1R2RBRT
Low passXXAA
Lofted pass/crossOBX
Through ballYY
Special controlsR2R1RTRB
Manual controlsL2L2LTLT
Super cancel (cancel action)R1 + R2R1 + R2RB + RTRB + RT


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Pressure (press the ball)XXAA
Standing tackleDouble tap XDouble tap XDouble tap ADouble tap A
Sliding tackleOBX
COM teammates pressure (teammates press ball)Hold ▢Hold OHold XHold B
Bring out goalkeeperYY


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Close controlR2 + LSR1 + LSRT + LSRB + LS
Dash dribbleLS + R1LS + RTLS + RBLS + RT
Speed burstDouble tap R1 + LSDouble tap R2 + L2Double tap RB + LSDouble tap RT + LS
Knock on (when stationary)R2 + RS in any directionR1 + RS in any directionRT + RS in any directionRB + RS in any direction
Quick stopRelease LS + R1Release LS + R2Release LS + RBRelease LS + RT
Quick stop then face opposition goalRelease LS + R2Release LS + R1Release LS + RTRelease LS + RB
DiveClick L3 + Click R3 + L1 + L2Click L3 + Click R3 + L1 + L2Click LS + Click RS + LB + LTClick LS + Click RS + LB + LT


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
FlickClick and hold R3 as you receive the ballClick and hold R3 as you receive the ballClick and hold RS as you receive the ballClick and hold RS as you receive the ball
Control and face opposition goalPush then release LS + start holding R2 before player controls ballPush then release LS + start holding R1 before player controls ballPush then release LS + start holding RT before player controls ballPush then release LS + start holding RB before player controls ball
Through feintLet go LS and before trapping the ball hold R1Let go LS and before trapping the ball hold R2Let go LS and before trapping the ball hold RBLet go LS and before trapping the ball hold RT
Trap feintLet go LS and before trapping the ball hold R1Let go LS and before trapping the ball hold R2Let go LS and before trapping the ball hold RBLet go LS and before trapping the ball hold RT


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Jockey (in defence)R2 + LSR1 + LSRT + LSRB + LS
Manual cursor change (change player)RSRSRSRS
Positioning for high ballsR2 + LSR1 + LSRT + LSRB + LS


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
High passRB + ORB + ▢RB + BRB + X
Chipped through ballLB + △LB + △LB + YLB + Y
Low crossDouble tap ODouble tap ▢Double tap BDouble tap X
Early crossL1 + any type of crossL1 + any type of crossLB + any type of crossLB + any type of cross
One-two passLB + X then △LB + X then △LB + A then YLB + A then Y
Dynamic one-twoLB + X then hold LB + RS in direction you want player to make runLB + X then hold LB + RS in direction you want player to make runLB + A then hold LB + RS in direction you want player to make runLB + A then hold LB + RS in direction you want player to make run
Pass and moveX or △ then R2 before player kicks ballX or △ then R1 before player kicks ballA or Y then RT before player kicks ballA or Y then RB before player kicks ball
Call for the ball (co-op match an fixed only)Double tap R2Double tap R1Double tap RTDouble tap RB
Teammate forward runL1 + RS then release RSL1 + RS then release RSLB + RS then release RSLB + RS then release RS


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Controlled shotR2 + ▢R1 + ORT + XRB + B
Chip shotLB + XLB + OLB + XLB + B


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Select set piece takerSelectSelectView buttonView button
Pass/shot directionLS ←/→LS ←/→LS ←/→LS ←/→
Adjust trajectory (whilst shooting or crossing)LS ↑/↓/←/→LS ↑/↓/←/→LS ↑/↓/←/→LS ↑/↓ /←/→
Position second free kick takerL1 + D-pad ↑L1 + D-pad ↑LB + D-pad ↑LB + D-pad ↑
Line up both takersL1 + D-pad ↓L1 + D-pad ↓LB + D-pad ↓LB + D-pad ↓
Pass/shoot with second takerHold L2Hold L2Hold LTHold LT
Trick free kickO then X▢ then XB then AX then A
Short knock-onL1 + XL1 + XLB + ALB + A
Fix pass/shot direction and trajectory (offline only)R1R2RBRT
Dash/ touchline strategyD-pad ↑D-pad ↑D-pad ↑D-pad ↑
Far target/6-yard box/ runner from deep strategyD-pad ↓D-pad ↓D-pad ↓D-pad ↓
Dash and hold/ two options strategyD-pad ←D-pad ←D-pad ←D-pad ←
Target man strategyD-pad →D-pad →D-pad →D-pad →
Switch camera angleClick R3Click R3Click RSClick RS
Wall jump (when defending)OXB
Prevent wall jump (when defending)Keep holding AKeep holding AKeep holding AKeep holding A
Charge down (when defending)O as opponent strikes ball▢ as opponent strikes ballB as opponent strikes ballX as opponent strikes ball
Goalkeeper near positioning (when defending)Keep holding △ until opponent takes kickKeep holding △ until opponent takes kickKeep holding Y until opponent takes kickKeep holding Y until opponent takes kick
Mixed strategy (when defending)D-pad ← then ↑D-pad ← then ↑D-pad ← then ↑D-pad ← then ↑
Man-to-man strategyD-pad ← then ←D-pad ← then ←D-pad ← then ← D-pad ← then ←
Zonal strategyD-pad ← then →D-pad ← then →D-pad ← then →D-pad ← then →


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Chipped penaltyL1 + ▢L1 + OLB + XLB + B
Display aiming guideR1R2RBRT


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Put ball down/ pick up ballRelease LS then R1Release LS then R2Release LS then RBRelease LS then RT
Throw into spaceYY
Drop kickOBX
High punt kickR1 + OR2 + ▢RB + BRT + X
Pass feintAny pass command then XAny pass command then XAny pass command then AAny pass command then A


ActionPS4 (Standard)PS4 (Alternate)Xbox One (Standard)Xbox One (Alternate)
Switch preset tacticsHold D-pad ↑ or ↓Hold D-pad ↑ or ↓Hold D-pad ↑ or ↓Hold D-pad ↑ or ↓
Switch Attack1 strategy on/offL2 + D-pad ↑L2 + D-pad ↑LT + D-pad ↑LT + D-pad ↑
Switch Attack2 strategy on/offL2 + D-pad ↓L2 + D-pad ↓LT + D-pad ↓LT + D-pad ↓
Switch Defence1 strategy on/offL2 + D-pad ←L2 + D-pad ←LT + D-pad ←LT + D-pad ←
Switch Defence1 strategy on/offL2 + D-pad →L2 + D-pad →LT + D-pad →LT + D-pad →
Increase attack/defence levelDouble tap D-pad ↑Double tap D-pad ↑Double tap D-pad ↑Double tap D-pad ↑
Decrease attack/defence levelDouble tap D-pad ↓Double tap D-pad ↓Double tap D-pad ↓Double tap D-pad ↓
Quick substitution (when ball out of play)Select buttonSelect buttonView buttonView button
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Comments (1)

  1. there is a big feature missing ho can we make the secont plaer run toward goal so we can pass to him it a big problem if we cant do this and wait for PC to make the run when ever it fell like it NO NO we must have complete freedom and make the second player run toward when we want .
    in last Efootball was with the analog stick at the right this year the feature is missing HELP !


eFootball Controls (PS4, PS5, Xbox & PC) (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.